Bucket List: May and June 2017

I'm going to start this off with another check-in of my wishes for 2017, since it's now officially fall and the end of the year is quickly approaching again.

1.Make more time for myself.
2.Read more
3. Help others.
4. Be healthier
5. Be more present.
6. Make real friends in the local area.
7. Help my Little Lark learn as much as possible.
8. See my family more.
9. See my bestie more.
10. Have more adventures.

Well let's just start by saying 8 and 9 have definitely been a wash. I have not seen my bestie or family in months. I saw my mom, dad, brother and Bestie very briefly in May and other than that every visit has had to be cancelled for one reason or another. I am doing sort of ok on 3, 4, 6, 7, and 10. I have a couple friends in the area and we have had some good adventures. Little Lark knows his ABC's, is counting more often, knows his colors, and loves books. He's also finally out of pull-ups and very proud of that fact. Through my job I do feel like I am helping others, but I have also been making an effort to help those closest to me by listening when they need it.  I am still not "healthy" but I am eating better on work days and using my breaks to walk when I have the time.  And for 1, 2, and 5...well I'm still working on those.  Here I am taking some time for myself to write this blog post!

So let's get to it! Once again, I am behind. You know, in case you didn't notice that from the post title. In May I made a recipe from my 44 French Meals list; Moules marinière's. This is a Mussel dish with a lovely garlic and cream broth.

Photo by Poison Megz

The broth was so tasty. I should have made a larger batch of this so I had extra! Best served with crusty bread for dipping of course.

In June, as I was heading out on the last day of the month for a convention, I suddenly remembered I still had white pudding in the fridge to try. I frantically fried up a piece to eat while everyone else was ready to leave the house. And it was much tastier than the black pudding in my opinion. I enjoyed it and so did my Little Lark.

Photo by Poison Megz

And that's all folks! Hopefully I will get July and August updates posted soon. I actually did a ton of stuff in August!

Until next time,
Poison Megz


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